
Thursday, December 29, 2011



  1. The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. The ability to master anything they do except for sports. The ability to learn 8 words of spanish in 10 minutes. The ability to create and invent.
  2. Chandler. 

    Sunday, December 25, 2011

    only missing hawaii a lil bit...

    so strange but there is nothing i love more than taking an afternoon nap to the sound of football games/basketball games in the background and small comments coming from my brothers & dad. There is a sense of comfort coming home to your own bed. We all feel that no matter old we are.

    Lately Iv been thinking wow Im 23. Still so young-yet at my age my parents had me. I have been able to complete some of my largest goals in life already-but I face the challenge of succeeding in my bucket list of things to do and be. I took the challenge to make a "To be" list a few years back--and I swear "being" someone your not is too hard. So instead I have tried to better who I am. I naturally am disorganized. No matter how many times I tell myself I am going to Not drop my clothes to the floor the second I walk in the door- I always fall back in the habit- whether Im in a rush or just too tired to find hangers to hang them up. A constant battle to be better. A battle I lose more times than often...

    But I have recently recognized how service changes lives.  But "secretly" serving is My favorite.

    Last week one of our neighbors house burnt down (all the presents under the christmas tree included). One of the girls came over our house a few days later and my brother couldnt stand the thought that she was wearing the only outfit she had left. So he asked if Id help him collect some money for gift cards. He sent out a mass text and of course EVERYONE was willing to help! We drove around at 11 pm the night before christmas eve and were able to collect hundreds of dollars from tons of people. My favorite part of it was NOBODY donated a lot. JUST TONS of people donated a little. It just made me so happy that my brother didn't want any credit for doing this-he just wanted them to have a good Christmas.

    Tonight we got to spend Christmas with our favorite family the Murrays-who always shower our entire family with love. I honestly feel we were supposed to Move to Texas to MEET this family. My dad has even said it himself. They are the most giving loving family you could ever ever ever meet and I feel nothing less than comfort when I enter their home.

    Today-A.J. got a phone. Ah I love when our brothers get excited. Now let me tell you- this kid has been wanting a phone for YEARS. But he's 14. I didn't get a phone until I turned 18. I know I know-kindergarteners have phones these days-but I didn't know if my parents would give in and make the purchase. Well we went and got the phone the other day and somehow brit gave in and got an iphone (a purchase she said she would NEVER make). And as a.j. was opening his BIG box today with a tiny phone inside... I called it :) He started to open and little faster and a HUGE smile hit his face. He was so excited! A.J. is unlike any of us in the family. He never talks. We all have our silent days or weeks but a.j. has been silent since birth but he is the sweetest sweetest boy.

    I love Christmas time.

    Today We all went to church together. I love our line of 7. Always nudging each other for a back scratch or tickle. fighting over who owes who.

    The spirit was so strong today. Wow. the power of music.

    I got some workout clothes with plans of starting to run again-
    I miss soccer : (  I like running with a purpose.

    Im excited for this new year coming! I don't know what the future holds at all! I always have a plan and know whats up ahead-but Iv become accustomed to change- and I LOVE CHANGE.
    so bring on the change!
    back to hawaii-working in the entrepeneruship dpt- The family is moving back to Ohio-I graduate COLLEGE in the fall- I have from April-September to go wherever I please- and I am so excited!

    ok. maybe im a little lost.
    but so excited.

    Wednesday, December 21, 2011


    It's funny how when your home you can't wait to get out & away. And when your out & away you can't wait to get home. I loved last night being able to lay in my moms memory foam bed & talk and then watch Storage Wars with chandler and a.j. :) I sit here now in The back seat of my dads car because technically its 4:19 a.m. Hawaii time :) its 39 degrees but I'm loving these heated seats. Brit has 3 doctor appointments today & scans. We pray there is nothing. No cancer. Please be gone and never come back. We like to turn these PET scan & MRI days into shopping days in Dallas :) brightens the mood a little! I can't believe these are the last few weeks we have left in Texas. I absolutely loved our time here. Although I spent a lot of "in between" college & mission time here- it felt like home since day one. I met a few of my all time favorite families here: The Nightengales & The Murrays :)

    I love Christmas time- I am so happy.-
    Tiempo para solo la familia

    Monday, December 19, 2011

    Things :)

    these past few months have been filled with lots of beach time naps, taco Tuesdays, road trips to a beach on the other side of the island even tho we have one 5 feet in front out our home, group activities, cravings of sushi, meeting&hanging with australian surfers who def were not as cool as ud think, Carlos Mozo photoshoots, late night talks about dating and how it "should work", late night fights about the honor code ;), late night talks about why knowone goes on dates hahaha,p pintresting, interviews for surf line, dr pepper scholarship, football games, trips in to town just for a dinner, naps naps and more naps, a visit from Lindsay Logan, singing to my fake true love in the airport who flew in from Australia, playing would u rather for 5 hrs, girls talks, bro talk, "daddy Taylor" hugs, fighting over who will change the laundry over, taco bell with Matt&grant, going to foodland errrrnight just for drinks, singing our hearts out, meeting new people, finding love (oh wait that didn't happen), playing with crabs on the beach, hiking, finding the poor mans house with amazing stuff in it, getting lost from brittany in town-her in tears thinking I was kidnapped, massages&tickles, friends&loves, working out hardly ever,authentic mexican meals, nannying for australian families :) Matt's house naps, pintrest meals, gross fast food, kahuku grill 2 Times a week & all that is to be continued....

    Friday, December 16, 2011
