
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dollar for a Dream

my lil sis, brit, spent last year fighting cancer. we decided to make a video to not only help her accomplish her dream but bring awareness to people all around the world about skin cancer.
share this link & donate a few dollars if you can.

marrying my best friend.

4 years 3 months and 2 days ago- I went on a date with James Hamilton Murray
(if you cant tell-we clicked on the very first date) 

& he proposed last month.

and now I get to marry my best friend.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Sunday, January 22, 2012

a few tips for the fellows

Hey Yo Boo Let me Halla Atchya!
(so we've all seen the "rules" and things Guys shouldnt or should do.. and quite frankly-they really are not that good So heres a REAL list of real things to do&not to do)
this list does not just come from the Conley sisters-but from a group of very distinct girls who have lived the played the Dating game

1. Shoes-Why are shoes #1 you ask? First we look at the face, scan the stature, and the eyes automatically drop to the shoes. If your wearing Runners,chacos, big brown sandals, sketchers, or old shoes with laces tied to tight-you Need to buy some new shoes.

2. Please Brush your teeth- have a pack of gum in your car at all times. Please scan the car mirror before you leave so you can make sure you don't have any left over toothpaste, spit or food on your mouth.

3. So lets talk about the game. Dating is a game. We have all played it & will continue to play it until we find "Mr. or Mrs. Perfect" BUT LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. Why Does every girl love notebook? We don't expect to have this perfect fairytale life-but Noah was straight up REAL. We love real. Which leads us to #4-------------->

4. If your always trying to be "cool" you will never be "real" to us. JUST BE REALLLLLLL!!!

5.  There is nothing more attractive than a 2-3 day scruff. Yum. But NO Mustaches-they are over with... They may have been funny in 2008 but honestly trend is Over. (along with speedos)

6.  Opening a car door- A wise man Matt Glendenning taught me a few things about being a Gentlemen. But lets talk about how to be gentleman in OUR EYES. So lets lay out an example... You have just picked me up for a date and we are walking to the car, sure open the door for me. But when we are getting out of the car and my Hand is on the handle, YOU DONT NEED TO JUMP OUT OF THE CAR AND RUN TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CAR TO OPEN MY DOOR. It makes it awkward & Unnecessary. It's 2012.
But when we are walking into a restaurant u best be opening the door ;)

7. We like goodnight texts. We like good morning texts. Waiting to try and "pretend like you weren't thinking about me" doesn't work.

8. Lets talk about swag. If you have swag-you DON'T know you have it. Don't label your pics as "swaggin" or say swag out loud. Swag is not just a type of style its a demeanor.

9. Girls want a Good guy- "girls wanting a bad boy phase is over" Honestly we are looking to bring home someone we know can have a conversation with our dad while we are getting ready. One who can watch sports center or play football with our brothers in the backyard. One of the first things I think of when I have a crush on a guy is: Can he get along with my Sports obsessed Uncles.

10.  Don't play "Too hard to get" & Don't be Clingy. Don't get it twisted.

11. Tickle my back and I love you forever.

12. Make me laugh. Be goofy. We love it. Sing with us in the car- There is nothing more attractive than a funny guy.

13. Just because we touch you-doesnt mean we like you.

14. Touch us- Lets talk about touch.
Most of you guys don't hold hands unless it's serious-but honestly just hold hands. Girls like going through the levels of giddyness. Like ok
1. Be touchy with me. 2. maybe hold my hand if we are alone.
 3. Cuddle with me. 4. Kiss me.  I am not talking about PDA here- No need to walk down the street holding my hand to show the world we are an item but I am talking about personal time.

16. How to hold hands- The spaces between our fingers were made for yours. Make it fit. Don't lousy with it-HOLD IT.

17. How to Kiss- You should know by now. Don't be all over the place - but Im also not a tree-don't be a woodpecker.

18. Respect our Innocence. Don't play with the line. We should never have to ask you to slow down.

19. Never talk about the Price on the menu being too expensive- If you want a second date the money will be worth your time. P.S. be nice to waitress.

20. Tip Good. We NOTICE.

21. Show genuine interest in our family and friends. If you remember our siblings names-your in & It is so touching when you show your love for your mom.

22. ROSES AND STUFFED ANIMALS ARE A WASTE OF MONEY. I guess some girls like flowers but honestly-save the money- for a movie and takeout dinner night! (just our opinion on this one)

23. Compliment us. But a little secret about girls- is sometimes we don't know how to take compliments very well. But we appreciate your sincerity. Don't say we look
HOT"- how the heck are we supposed to accept that as a compliment.

24. Hair Gel is out. "messy- didn't care too much today" or a little side part is the most attractive.

25. If you take more time to get ready than us-seriously stop.

26. We love to hear about your goals, ambitions, and current plans but unless you are walkin' that walk' it's not worth talkin the talk.

27. A guy in a black suit and tie becomes a man in our eyes.

28. Stick with your talents, athletics, and hobbies. We love to hear about your ball game or how the swell was, even if we don't necessarily understand the legistics.

29. Video games are annoying. very immature and pointless in our eyes. We don't like to sit and watch you play Halo. No girl does.

30. We like to shop, let us shop. You can play your video games while we shop.

31. Watching you fidget is quite hilarious. It's cute to see your knee shake, nails bitten short, and feet fumble around.

32. Don't be creepy. Don't show up at our work unless we've established some sort of relationship. If you saw us out somewhere and let us know later on via internet or's kind of creepy. If you couldn't the courage to come say hi or even wave why are you trying to communicate through a key board?

33. A little jealousy is kind of cute. Don't be overprotective but letting people know we're your girl makes us feel a sense of security.

34. Absolutely do NOT tan in the tanning bed, like really? gross. GTL= only on Jersey Shore.

35. Do not get highlights or die your hair. you might as well go get fake eyelashes while you're at it.

36. Please try to not wear jean shorts (unless they are cutt offs) or Khakis please.


38. Seriously shop the clearance section at PacSun- good stuff! I wish I was shopping for a guy when I go there.

39. Don't be on your phone all night.

40. ________________________________________

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


hey this is paiges brother chandler and my sister brit wants to say:

how creative our little brother Chandler is
He loves to invent cool things with his legos
He is not very into sports but he enjoys activities
He also likes taking apart electronics and turning them into new things
he is very smart and is in the gifted and talented classes at school
he is excited about his new website and said he wants to do everything he can to advertise
so here he is!!!! 

check out his WEBSITE HERE

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A look back at 2011
January-May I finished my last 5 months of my mission. I had kept healthy my entire mission until about April-I got really sick. Imagine going to the bathroom 9-10 times a day, and your stomach hurting ANYTIME anything hit it. Doctors tested me for everything. That bug in there must have been hiding. Lets just say that in about 4 weeks- I lost 26 pounds and I felt AWFUL. I was so sad because I wanted to finish my mission strong and just run from house to house and I felt so weak. Finally-I was able to start maintaining some of the food and now-10 months later I am finally gaining some of the weight back. Trust me, one of the worse feelings-to eat meal after meal-and have the entire meal leave you EVERY Single time 7 minutes later.

Chile-Was honestly the most amazing place in the world! I love the people there so much-and cannot wait to return to visit. I feel literally that part of my heart is missing. Today I spoke in church and shared some of the experiences I had-and immediately find myself getting emotional because of the love I have for the people I was able to help there-and the people who helped me.

Returning Home was a strange feeling. I tried to do what my mission president advised-and date and jump right back into life-but I found that nothing I did matched up to what I was doing before-dedicating myself to the Savior. Bit by bit-I was eased back into life- I worked at Coal Vines- a lil special top of the line restaurant- saving every penny to go to Hawaii- and jump back into my next semester of school. Anxiously waiting the arrival of Jamie from his mission.

There are always twists&turns in life. I felt confused and a little lost. I felt as if I had so many decisions to make-and neither seemed to be right or wrong. I realized the importance of prayer-and dedication.

I am still in that decision making process and Im sure I will be for the rest of my life-from where I will live next, where I will work. who I will marry, when we will have kids..etc..

All exciting decisions!

Jan 2012-April- Hawaii.
April-Sept- WORKING prob 4 jobs so I can graduate debt free & have a cushion for after I graduate
Sept-Dec Hawaii-GRADUATE class of 2012