
Sunday, January 1, 2012

A look back at 2011
January-May I finished my last 5 months of my mission. I had kept healthy my entire mission until about April-I got really sick. Imagine going to the bathroom 9-10 times a day, and your stomach hurting ANYTIME anything hit it. Doctors tested me for everything. That bug in there must have been hiding. Lets just say that in about 4 weeks- I lost 26 pounds and I felt AWFUL. I was so sad because I wanted to finish my mission strong and just run from house to house and I felt so weak. Finally-I was able to start maintaining some of the food and now-10 months later I am finally gaining some of the weight back. Trust me, one of the worse feelings-to eat meal after meal-and have the entire meal leave you EVERY Single time 7 minutes later.

Chile-Was honestly the most amazing place in the world! I love the people there so much-and cannot wait to return to visit. I feel literally that part of my heart is missing. Today I spoke in church and shared some of the experiences I had-and immediately find myself getting emotional because of the love I have for the people I was able to help there-and the people who helped me.

Returning Home was a strange feeling. I tried to do what my mission president advised-and date and jump right back into life-but I found that nothing I did matched up to what I was doing before-dedicating myself to the Savior. Bit by bit-I was eased back into life- I worked at Coal Vines- a lil special top of the line restaurant- saving every penny to go to Hawaii- and jump back into my next semester of school. Anxiously waiting the arrival of Jamie from his mission.

There are always twists&turns in life. I felt confused and a little lost. I felt as if I had so many decisions to make-and neither seemed to be right or wrong. I realized the importance of prayer-and dedication.

I am still in that decision making process and Im sure I will be for the rest of my life-from where I will live next, where I will work. who I will marry, when we will have kids..etc..

All exciting decisions!

Jan 2012-April- Hawaii.
April-Sept- WORKING prob 4 jobs so I can graduate debt free & have a cushion for after I graduate
Sept-Dec Hawaii-GRADUATE class of 2012


  1. this was fun to read. when we lived in peru spencer had 3 parasites (typhoid, giardia, and an amoeba) and had diarrhea every hour for like 3 weeks. he also had worms in argentina, so parasites + south america = not friendly with spence haha. it was terrible - i'm sure i can somewhat imagine your pain after seeing it in my own life. i had a sick spell in ecuador for one week but it sounds like yours was serious! glad you're recovering! it takes its toll!

    and your upcoming year sounds exciting - soak up hawaii and enjoy your time throughout the year. it's a good life. :)

  2. Aw thank you! I am finally healthy!! That's crazy he got all of those!! Man, did he feel horrible?!? Are you living in Idaho now?!

    1. sorry i am just now seeing your reply :) yes he was sooo sick and didn't move much for like a month. at night his tummy would make the weirdest LOUDEST gurgley sounds, it kinda freaked me out but broke my heart at same time... glad that's passed! we are now living in los angeles california. working on film productions and expanding our videography business. it's a change, we miss the islands, but at least the ocean is nearby :)
