
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

wow. what a week. I honestly look around a feel like i'm living in a dream.
I think, at times, people put their dreams at such a distance from reality that they become unattainable.  For example Iv heard people say My DREAM would be to live in Europe. Or I dream of traveling the world while I am young. I just don't understand why people don't just make a plan and do it.
I remember the night when I sat on Brittany's bed and told I her I just couldn't go to Hawaii with her. I needed to save more money so I would have enough to just finish school. I wanted to continue to pay for my education without taking out a single loan...and trying to save thousands of dollars in a month or two just did not seem possible. She begged me to come with her.
And somehow it all worked out. A few little projects helped me bring in some money and some good tips at Coalvines added up.

 WE ARE HERE- in Hawaii. Today we just looked at each other and reminded each other that we need to appreciate it a little more. This isn't just a vacation. We wake up to the sound of the ocean everyday...We have bonfires at night and don't have to wear SHOES to class. We eat pineapple a little too much & make our way across the street to beach frequently.

I don't feel like I have these HUGE impossible dreams. But I am so thankful that I have been able to accomplish some of the goals I made for myself as a teenager. Serving a mission was my main goal. I felt-if I could do that  I could do anything. And it just happened so smoothly.

I also realize that saving money is an issue for some people and finances prevent some from accomplishing what they want. BUT I PROMISE YOU IT IS POSSIBLE WITH MUCH DEDICATION. My guilty pleasure is forever 21 & fast food. If I am trying to save money I just avoid the two at all costs. And the money starts to add up it really can. Oh and paying tithing. I have seen the miracles in paying tithing.

Brit and I have an interview tomorrow for a company on the North Shore :)

I was sitting in school today thinking about how I literally have not seen or spoken to Jamie in 2 years. I remember the first time he asked me to hang out with some friends of his. He pulled up in his lifted 88' jeep. I got in and felt like I was in Jurassic park. He had some rock song blaring, stopped at every stop sign completely, and definitely took the long way home. We were inseparable from that day forward. 2 years later we decided we were both going to go on a mission. What an emotional decision that was for both of us to make...but when we decided we were going to do it...we didn't turn back; Not for a single second. We worked so hard trying to save every penny. The night before he left I prayed that my Heavenly Father would allow me to serve my mission without having sad feelings of missing him. Now...Coming home was a little harder.
But I am so happy and excited for him to be coming home Thursday! So many of the people from his mission have sent me emails or messages about how they had never come in contact with a better person than him. I am glad that some people outside of our town in Texas had the opportunity to know and be helped by such a great person. I am sad that I cannot be there when he comes off the plane But i know that things will workout however God wants.

I'll be waiting for my phone call on thursday. wow.

Did I mention I love naps. Brit and I have never seen 4 p.m. here. We always take ourself a little nap right around then...I mean its like amazing.

I really like school. Even my hard classes are kinda nice. I need a challenge right now in my life and I am okay with school being one of them. I enjoy learning. We are reading Socrates in one of my classes. Socrates teaches about the benefits of self discipline. I can't say I have been the most self disciplined person in my life. Like Sometimes I'll say, Im going to exercise everyday with my dad NO MATTER WHAT. And i'll wake up and run to the fridge and right back to my bed. Im going to try and change that this semester. Not the working out part; but the self discipline.

One can reach a magnitude unimaginable with self discipline.

i love life.

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